


The Relation between the Participation of Recreation Sports and the Involvement of Society Psychology: Canonical Correlation Analysis




張志銘(Chih-Ming Chang);呂崇銘(Chung-Ming Lu);翁旭昇(Hsu-Sheng Weng);詹正豐(Cheng-Feng Jan)


自我效能 ; 知覺利益 ; 健康投資 ; 場所滿意度 ; Self-Efficiency ; Consciousness Benefit ; Health Investment ; Location Satisfaction




1卷1期(2006 / 09 / 01)


64 - 79






This research was aimed to explore the canonical correlation analysis for factors of university students' participation of recreation sports (including important others, location satisfaction, self-efficiency, consciousness benefit and health investment, totally 11 variables) and involvement of society psychology. We focused on the experimental subjects with the students from 16 universities in the middle areas of Taiwan. We adopted questionnaires to conduct this research with 1409 valid replies received. The data we obtained were examined with the canonical correlation analysis. From research results, we found the said totally 11 variables, namely important others (peers, relatives, educators, celebrities, medical care givers and government agencies), location satisfaction (non-consumption and consumption location satisfaction), self-efficiency, consciousness benefit and health investment came with 4 types of canonical correlation to the involvement of society psychology (important involvement, delightful involvement, symbolic involvement and risky involvement). Finally, based on research findings, we conducted the discussion and offered further recommendations for subsequent researches.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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