


The Study of the Ability of Balancing in Geriatric Females with Different Activity Lifestyles




沈竑毅(Hong-Yi Shen);洪偉欽(Wei-Chin Hong);成和正(Ho-Cheng Chen)


開眼單足站立測驗 ; 靜態平衡能力 ; one-leg stance test ; balance




2卷2期(2007 / 12 / 01)


129 - 142




The lifespan of our people has been greatly extended with the continuing improvement in health care and rapid development of biotechnology. This has resulted not only in a change in the infrastructure of our population but also our economy as well. The subsequent social problems evolved from an aging population have led to worldwide concern and extensive discussion. The ability to balance generally decreases as one progress into old age and often, this is accompanied by an increase in falls. Fall-related injuries have imposed a negative impact in economic and socials cost and also high costs in public health service. Studies have shown that the ability to balance can be improved with different exercise prototypes, physical training and regular exercise regimens. Thus, the objective of our study is to investigate the difference in the ability to balance between geriatric females who exercise regularly and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. METHOD: By performing a one-leg stance test with eyes open, the ability of stationary balance is measured. Subjects involved are 80 females with an average age of 75.96±8.47 years old. They are first divided into two groups according to lifestyle, the group that perform regular exercise (41 females) and the other 39 who are inactive. The subjects are further divided into three groups according to age. They are the 65-74 years old group, the 75-84 years old group and the 85 years old and above age group where there are 36, 25 and 19 females respectively. The two-way ANOVA and descriptive statistics are employed with a significance level of α=.05. RESULTS: 1. No significant difference was found in the ability to balance with different lifestyles for geriatric females (p>.05). 2. No significant difference was found in the ability to balance between the groups with different lifestyles (p>.05). 3. Significant difference was found among the three different age groups in their ability to balance and after the Bonferroni correction, the 65-74 age group showed better abilities to the 85 and above age group. CONCLUSION: It is revealed in this study that regular exercise has limited effect on enhancing the ability to balance. We deduce this to be the result of the rapid degeneration of muscle strength and loss of bone density and insufficiency in the intensity of regular exercise, leaving old age to be the main factor that determines the ability of balance. Thus, we propose that additional tests in bone density and muscle strength of the lower extremities be done in order to clarify the possibilities of other factors.


The lifespan of our people has been greatly extended with the continuing improvement in health care and rapid development of biotechnology. This has resulted not only in a change in the infrastructure of our population but also our economy as well. The subsequent social problems evolved from an aging population have led to worldwide concern and extensive discussion. The ability to balance generally decreases as one progress into old age and often, this is accompanied by an increase in falls. Fall-related injuries have imposed a negative impact in economic and socials cost and also high costs in public health service. Studies have shown that the ability to balance can be improved with different exercise prototypes, physical training and regular exercise regimens. Thus, the objective of our study is to investigate the difference in the ability to balance between geriatric females who exercise regularly and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. METHOD: By performing a one-leg stance test with eyes open, the ability of stationary balance is measured. Subjects involved are 80 females with an average age of 75.96±8.47 years old. They are first divided into two groups according to lifestyle, the group that perform regular exercise (41 females) and the other 39 who are inactive. The subjects are further divided into three groups according to age. They are the 65-74 years old group, the 75-84 years old group and the 85 years old and above age group where there are 36, 25 and 19 females respectively. The two-way ANOVA and descriptive statistics are employed with a significance level of α=.05. RESULTS: 1. No significant difference was found in the ability to balance with different lifestyles for geriatric females (p>.05). 2. No significant difference was found in the ability to balance between the groups with different lifestyles (p>.05). 3. Significant difference was found among the three different age groups in their ability to balance and after the Bonferroni correction, the 65-74 age group showed better abilities to the 85 and above age group. CONCLUSION: It is revealed in this study that regular exercise has limited effect on enhancing the ability to balance. We deduce this to be the result of the rapid degeneration of muscle strength and loss of bone density and insufficiency in the intensity of regular exercise, leaving old age to be the main factor that determines the ability of balance. Thus, we propose that additional tests in bone density and muscle strength of the lower extremities be done in order to clarify the possibilities of other factors.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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