本研究旨在建構休閒涉入對休閒效益的因果模式,以自行車的使用者共計489名,作爲本研究的對象,本研究採用問卷調查法,抽樣係以便利取樣的方式蒐集研究樣本,依研究目的及驗證假設,本研究以LISREL 8.72版統計軟體進行資料分析,透過結構方程模式的統計技術,進一步獲得其因果意涵。研究結果發現,本研究模式整體適配度良好(χ2 =836.11, df=306, χ2/df=2.73, GFI=0.90, SRMR=0.04, RMSEA=0.057, NNFI=0.99, CFI=0.99, PNFI=0.73, PGFI=0.73, CN=245.58),顯示本假設模式,可以進一步解釋自行車使用者休閒涉入對休閒效益的因果關係,從自行車使用者的休閒涉入對休閒效益具有顯著的影響可以得知,休閒涉入對休閒效益所扮演的角色值得正視。
The Objective of this research is to construct a cause-effect model of leisure involvement on leisure benefits. This study conducts a questionnaire survey and 489 bicycle users are interviewed by convenience sampling. Moreover, this study employs LISREL 8.72 statistical program to run SEM analysis for testing research hypothesis and achieving research objective of this study. Bases on the research output, the Goodness of model fit is good (χ2=836.11, df=306, χ2/df=2.73, GFI=0.90, SRMR=0.04, RMSEA=0.057, NNFI=0.99, CFI=0.99, PNFI=0.73, PGFI=0.73, CN=245.58). The research results show that this research model can be used to explain the causal effect relationship between leisure involvement and leisure benefits of bicycle users. Based on the positive impact of leisure involvement on leisure benefits, the key role of leisure involvement on leisure benefits should be considered for leisure planning and management.
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