


A Study of the Relationships among Leisure Behavior and Life Satisfaction of Thai Laborers in Taiwan




曾慈慧(Tzu-Hui Tseng);辛純靚(Chun-Ching Hsin);沈進成(Ching-Cheng Shen)


泰籍勞工 ; 休閒偏好 ; 休閒阻礙 ; 休閒滿意度 ; 生活滿意度 ; Thai labourer ; leisure preference ; leisure constraint ; leisure satisfaction ; life satisfaction




2卷4期(2008 / 06 / 01)


38 - 65






This study tried to explore the relationship among leisure behavior and life satisfaction of Thai laborers in Taiwan. The Thai laborers in Taoyuan County were selected to be our empirical survey subject. The research result demonstrated: 1. The leisure preference, leisure participation, leisure constraint, leisure satisfaction and life satisfaction were influenced by laborers' socioeconomic background; especially the influence of leisure preference by gender was significantly. 2. There was significant different between now and previous leisure activity of Thai labors. 3. There was significant relation between their leisure preference and leisure participation in native country, but no significant relation with leisure participation in Taiwan; furthermore, their leisure participation in native country and in Taiwan had strong relationship, which demostrate leisure participation in native country was relevant to leisure preference, but there was a discrepancy between laborer's leisure preference and leisure participation in Taiwan. 4. Laborers' leisure constraint had significant negtive relationship to leisure participaion and leisure satisfaction in Taiwan. 5. There was positive relationship between leisure participation and leisure satisfaction in Taiwan, and leisure satisfaction in Taiwan also had positive relation to life satisfaction.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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