Purpose: This research aims at confirming 「the conditions of reliability and validity of the development of the motivation scale for sport online consumption」by Seo and Green (2008), and providing the result of research as the references for measuring the motivation scale for professional sport online consumption in Taiwan. Method: This research is divided into two stages altogether, including two groups of samples. The sample of the 1st group amounts to 300 people, understanding the conditions of factor structure and convergent validity through exploratory factor analysis. The sample of the 2nd group amounts to 390 people, testing whether the scale of reliability of individual observed variables、composite reliability of latent variables and convergent validity agree with the theory by using confirmatory factor analysis. The tool of the research is questionnaire, and the samples are collected by way of judgment sampling. The research objects are students in Central Taiwan, who have consumed on the professional sport online. Result: This research is found by the real examples, that the motivation scale for professional sport online consumption possesses reliability and validity and also is a way of measuring that accords considerably with positive researches. Conclusion: Those who are making the research about the motivation for professional sport online consumption at home in the future can consult this scale to carry out the relevant research.
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