


The Benefits on Cultural Tourism by Reuse of Unoccupied Spaces-A Case Study of Penghu Reclamation Hall.




梁家祜(Joy Chia-Huh Liang);鄭錫欽(His-Chin Cheng)


閒置空間再利用 ; 文化觀光 ; 澎湖開拓館 ; reuse of the lost space ; cultural tourism ; Penghu reclamation hall.




3卷1期(2008 / 09 / 01)


93 - 109




本研究以澎湖開拓館爲研究個案,探討澎湖閒置地再利用之文化觀光效益,具體的研究目的爲分析「澎湖開拓館」硬體設施的遊客滿意度、「澎湖開拓館」服務品質的遊客滿意度及提出「澎湖開拓館」永續的經營策略。問卷調查預試得α=0.9645,發放554份問卷,回收544份,有效問卷回收率達98%。資料分析主要採用描述性統計及推論統計進行結果的描述與研究假設之驗證。 經由資料分析,本研究得到主要的結果如下:1.參訪遊客有特殊屬性。多爲21~40歲中青代、女性、學生、收入不高且專科/大學畢業。2.硬體設施與服務品質滿意度八個項目中,以空間規劃最高。3.年紀較輕者對解說設施滿意度較高。學歷愈高對館內解說設施較不滿意。臺灣本島遊客較澎湖及其它離島地區爲多,對於服務人員品質要求相對較高。軍公教人員較學生與製造業從業人員更加重視解說內容及生活素質。4.澎湖開拓館閒置空間再利用之非經濟效益高,但目前還未達到最大利用率。 依研究結果歸納建議如下:運用澎湖開拓館爲據點活絡地方藝文活動,以現有的開拓館資訊服務中心,串聯週邊古蹟,結合觀光業與澎湖重大節慶,培訓觀光警察及志工,協調安排各站之解說展示與演出,以開拓館之活化歷史作一系列動靜活動,建立地方文化傳承之功能。此外,因應國際化使用中、日、英等多語媒體行銷,強化参觀指標,並明確地標示於澎湖旅遊景點地圖,以增進開拓館閒置空間再利用之文化觀光效益。


Penghu Reclamation Hall was constructed in 1953. The style of the building combines features of Eastern and Western architecture. Inside the hall, there is an exhibition of Penghu’s historical data, which detailed the difficulties experience by the ancestors. Outside the building, there are many trees and special plants offering an excellent space for relaxation. The purpose of this study is to evaluate visitors' satisfaction and the benefits on cultural tourism by reuse of unoccupied spaces of Penghu Reclamation Hall. A survey was conducted from July to December in 2005 and 544 valid questionnaires were collected, 98% of the total distributed. The findings are summarized as follows: 1. Most visitors are aged 21- 40 with a college/university degree. 2. Among eight items relating to hardware facilities and service quality, ”space planning” receives the highest tourist’s satisfaction. 3. Younger visitors have a higher satisfaction with interpreting facilities. 4. There are more sightseers from Taiwan's main island than local Penghu people. However, visitors with higher education background have less satisfaction with interpreting facilities. So, there is an increased need for quality personnel service. 5. The non-economical benefits of reuse of the lost space in Penghu Reclamations Hall are remarkable. Yet, it has not achieved the maximum re-utilization at this time.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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