


A Study on Development of International Country Clubs at Penghu Chimi




梁家祜(Joy Chia-Huh Liang);李明儒(Ming-Ju Lee)


澎湖旅遊 ; 國際度假村 ; 地中海俱樂部 ; Penghu tourism ; International tourist village ; Club Mediterranean




3卷2期(2008 / 12 / 01)


29 - 51




澎湖的觀光產業,因受限於東北季風之影響,夏天是旺季,冬天則爲淡季。國際度假村在歐美及東南亞等國家都已盛行發展,但澎湖到現在尚未有興建國際度假村的計劃,爲了使澎湖加入國際觀光市場,提高知名度,設置一個具有國際水準且融合當地特色的度假村,可延長半年的觀光季,促進澎湖觀光收益與經濟發展。本研究目的爲探討澎湖發展國際度假村的關鍵因素,希望藉由地中海俱樂部(Club Mediterranean, Club Med)的建置,活絡澎湖冬季的觀光發展,使澎湖成爲休閒娛樂度假勝地,以提升澎湖在國際觀光市場的吸引力。本研究以深度訪談法,對澎湖產、官、學者進行半結構式訪談(semi-structured in-depth interview),歸納出澎湖七美乃設立國際度假村乃最適景點。於澎湖七美投資國際度假村,可以促進澎湖觀光產業的發展及提升國際競爭力。但基礎建設配套的不足、部分居民的反對、或法令政策的限制等,都是影響澎湖觀光發展的因素。若要順利發展澎湖觀光事業,當地居民及業者,與政府之間不應各持己見,應站在有利澎湖建設的角度達成共識,如此才能有完善的整體規劃及發展遠景。


The development of Penghu's tourism industry is restricted by the northeast wind, summer is the busy season, yet winter is the off season. Many countries in Europe, America and Southeast Asia have built large-scale country clubs to attractive international tourists. In order to transform Penghu into a vacation paradise, and to prolong half year sightseeing season, the purpose of this study is to discuss the key issues to establish country clubs, such as Club Mediterranean (Club Med), with global standard and local characteristics to attractive worldwide visitors. The survey utilizes semi-structured in-depth-interview to summarize professional experts' viewpoints and evaluates the most appropriate scenery site to establish country clubs. The findings suggest that the investments of international country clubs at Chimi will promote Penghu tourism and the raise competition strength. But the necessary infrastructures are insufficient, the opposition of partial residents, and the restriction of government policies are key considerations for investment of country clubs.

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