


Analyzing the Determinants of Tourists' Choice Behavior and Travel Expenditure in Tourism Cultural Attraction




謝淑芬(Shu-Fen Hsieh)


文化觀光 ; 旅遊消費支出 ; Heckman二階段估計法 ; Cultural Tourism ; Travel expenditure ; Heckman two-stage




4卷1期(2009 / 09 / 01)


1 - 21




鑑於中央與地方政府的大力推動,近年來文化觀光盛行,甚至成爲臺灣地區最快速成長及對遊客最具吸引力的觀光項目。本研究爲探討遊客對文化觀光活動的選擇與旅遊消費支出,利用2005年交通部觀光局的「國人旅遊狀況調查」資料,樣本觀察值爲15,431,首先以卡方檢定、Phi與eta等關聯分析法檢視不同旅遊活動者與各自變數間是否獨立,繼而以Heckman two-stage估計法推估個人參與文化體驗活動以及參與後旅遊消費支出的影響因素。研究結果顯示:個人文化觀光體驗活動的選擇與旅遊消費支出的決策模式並不同;個人文化體驗活動的參與與否會影響其旅遊消費支出;其中,軍公教、工商業從業人員、退休、家管、離婚喪偶者、薪資所得與旅遊天數愈高者對旅遊消費支出呈現正面影響效果。


Supported by the central and local governments, cultural tourism has become predominant in Taiwan in recent years. In fact, cultural tourism has gained increasing popularity as an attractive tourist activity. In order to observe individual choice behavior and travel expenditures toward cultural attraction, this study focused on a sample of approximately 15,431 Taiwanese residents-based on data collected from the Domestic Travel Survey of 2005 by the Bureau of Tourism-to examine the effect of personal characteristics on travel expenditure undertaken for cultural activities. The results were analyzed using chi-square statistic, Phi coefficient, eta correlation ratio to examine the test of independence between participants engaging in different travel activities and a number of independent variables. Next, we used the Heckman two-stage approach to examine the effect of personal characteristics on travel choice and travel expenditure undertaken for participation in cultural activities. The results of the research demonstrate that there are difference between tourists' choice behavior and travel expenditure in determined model toward cultural tourism. And the results also reveal that travel expenditures are influenced by the probability of participation decision. In addition, the results reveal that among socioeconomic and travel-related characteristics, the variables of occupation, income level, marital status, and duration of stay were factors that had a significant positive effect in determining travel expenditure.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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