


A study of the Relationship among the Attention, Satisfaction and Revisiting Willingness of Local Festivals from Tourists' Position-An Example of the Paulownia Flower Festival in Tucheng




李青松(Ching-Sung Lee);車成緯(Cheng-Wei Che)


桐花節 ; 土城 ; 地方節慶 ; 重要-表現分析法IPA ; 重遊意願 ; Paulownia Flower Festival ; Tucheng ; Local Festival ; IPA ; Revisiting Willingness




4卷1期(2009 / 09 / 01)


49 - 72






The festival activity is one of the most important realities in tourism promotion. In recent years, to attract greater crowds, the local governments have held local festivals in many parts of Taiwan, but the uneven quality of the festivals may caused some of them to stop. So the quality of the festival activities is the thing that we have to take seriously. This study was based on IPA and SWOT analysis. It found seven items in opportunity (29.17%), three items in threat (12.50%), eight items in weakness (33.33%), one item in strength (4.17%), two items between opportunity and threat (8.33%), and two items between strength and weakness. This study also found that attention, satisfaction and the willingness affect visitors return to the Paulownia Flower Festival in Tucheng.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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