


A Study of Visitors' Local Festivals Identity: An Example of the Paulownia Flower Festival in Tucheng




李青松(Ching-Sung Lee);車成緯(Cheng-Wei Che)


土城 ; 桐花節 ; 活動認同 ; 地方節慶 ; Tucheng ; Paulownia Flower Festival ; Identity ; Local Festival




4卷2期(2009 / 12 / 01)


73 - 92






In recent years, the Council for Hakka Affairs, Executive Yuan has aggressively promoted the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival. This has drawn the Paulownia Flower Festival forwarded and won more attention by tourists. The original conception is from Tucheng City. The two festival's names were different but the contents were similar. Was the Paulownia Flower Festival original, or was it duplicate a council of the Hakka Affairs, Executive Yuan? This study focused on tourist characteristics and activities related to the Paulownia Flower Festival in Tucheng. The study questions the local festival's originality and possible duplicate in this case. This study found the people in Tucheng more approve the Paulownia Flower Festival in Tucheng than in Taipei and other areas. The people in Tucheng believed it is an important festival there. This study suggests similar local industry or tourist festivals should first reinforce identity in the local community.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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