


The Effect of Different Teaching Strategies to Discuss the Different Teaching Strategies and the Learning Effects of Elective Basketball Course in Colleges




高俊傑(Chun-Chieh Kao)


教學策略 ; 合作學習 ; 學習動機 ; Teaching strategy ; cooperative learning ; learning motivation




5卷2期(2010 / 12 / 01)


124 - 138




Purpose: The purpose of this study is to discuss how the following three teaching strategies: cooperative learning, video discussion and traditional teaching strategies, influence the differences of the perception in basketball strategies and learning motivation of the students who take the elective basketball course. Method: Three classes with one hundred and ninety-five junior students were participated in this study from a college in Taoyuan. We took per class as a group, proceeded with the experimental teaching and categorized the three groups into videos discussion experiment, cooperative learning experiment, and traditional teaching. The participants have signed the agreements before they involved in this experiment. Sixty-four students were in video discussion experiment group, forty-one males and twenty-three females included, and received the scheme of video teaching and discussion. Sixty-five students were in cooperative learning experiment group, forty-six males and nineteen females included, and received the scheme of cooperative learning. Sixty-six students were in control group, forty-eight males and eighteen females included, and received traditional teaching strategy of physical education (PE). There were totally twelve weeks of teaching experimental involvement, two classes per week and fifty minutes per class. The basketball strategy perception scale and learning motivation scale were the tools of this study and we analyzed the data with ANCOVA, one way ANOVA and t-test. Result: a).The students in cooperative learning group had significantly better grades than those in video discussion and traditional teaching groups (F=12.10, p<0.5) on basketball strategy perception; b). After the experimental processing, the students in cooperative learning group had significantly better grades than those in video discussion and traditional teaching (F=9.91, p<0.5). Conclusion: This study proves that the design of cooperative learning and learning can effectively enhance the learning motivation and basketball strategy perception of students who take elective basketball courses.


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to discuss how the following three teaching strategies: cooperative learning, video discussion and traditional teaching strategies, influence the differences of the perception in basketball strategies and learning motivation of the students who take the elective basketball course. Method: Three classes with one hundred and ninety-five junior students were participated in this study from a college in Taoyuan. We took per class as a group, proceeded with the experimental teaching and categorized the three groups into videos discussion experiment, cooperative learning experiment, and traditional teaching. The participants have signed the agreements before they involved in this experiment. Sixty-four students were in video discussion experiment group, forty-one males and twenty-three females included, and received the scheme of video teaching and discussion. Sixty-five students were in cooperative learning experiment group, forty-six males and nineteen females included, and received the scheme of cooperative learning. Sixty-six students were in control group, forty-eight males and eighteen females included, and received traditional teaching strategy of physical education (PE). There were totally twelve weeks of teaching experimental involvement, two classes per week and fifty minutes per class. The basketball strategy perception scale and learning motivation scale were the tools of this study and we analyzed the data with ANCOVA, one way ANOVA and t-test. Result: a).The students in cooperative learning group had significantly better grades than those in video discussion and traditional teaching groups (F=12.10, p<0.5) on basketball strategy perception; b). After the experimental processing, the students in cooperative learning group had significantly better grades than those in video discussion and traditional teaching (F=9.91, p<0.5). Conclusion: This study proves that the design of cooperative learning and learning can effectively enhance the learning motivation and basketball strategy perception of students who take elective basketball courses.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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