
Extending the Exploration of Convenience in a Taiwanese Service Setting-The Case of Fitness Center






張鉯崴(Yi-Wei Chang);何學庸(Shyue-Yung Ho)


服務便利性 ; 健身中心 ; 服務行銷 ; Convenience ; Fitness Centers ; Service Marketing




5卷2期(2010 / 12 / 01)


63 - 75




服務便利性-其定義爲衡量消費者購買商品或取得服務過程的時效性與容易性,同時,服務便利性亦成爲時間受限的消費者在購買決策時重要考量因素之一。根據Berry,Seiders and Grewal (2002)之提議,服務便利性之衡量指標可歸納爲五項主要構面,其分別爲:決策便利性、接觸便利性、交易處理便利性、利益便利性及售後服務便利性。因此本研究試以上述五項主要構面量表,檢定其在特定服務產業(健身中心)與在特定國家(臺灣)之共同適用性,藉以釐清消費者在上述特定環境下,其是否對於服務便利性具有認知差異性。本研究採問卷調查法,以臺北三家健身中心消費者爲調查對象(有效樣本數433份),經由檢定結果顯示,上述五個研究構面具有良好之信度與效度,釐清此一服務便利性構面量表適用於臺灣健身中心服務產業。最後本文建議上述五項主要構面量表,未來可更廣泛地進行服務產業與消費者區隔之檢測,期以更確認構面量表之共同適用性。


Convenience is an important product/service attribute for time-constrained consumers and consequently is increasingly of interest to service marketers. Berry, Seiders and Grewal (2002) proposed that convenience can be measured as a five types comprising decision, access, transaction, benefit, and post-benefit. This paper examines the empirical reliability and validity of Berry et al.'s five types within one service setting-a Western-style physical fitness center, as well as the generalisability of these five types in Taiwan since developing countries may view convenience differently compared to developed countries, i.e. such as USA. The results of a survey with 433 service consumers who attended three different fitness centers in Taipei found that the five measures were all reliable (i.e. an alpha of above .60) and discriminate validity held (correlations below .85). It shows that the five types appear to be valid in physical fitness center service context, as well as in Taiwan. The study also recommends that these five types warrant additional empirical evaluation in other service settings or segmentations to determine their generalisability.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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