


The Effects of Video Feedback Strategies on Achievement Motivation and Interaction for Elementary School Students during Cooperative Learning Condition




陳榮章(Rong-Zhang Chen)


回饋 ; 合作學習 ; 學習動機 ; 互動行爲 ; Feedback ; Cooperative Learning ; Learning Motivation ; Interaction




5卷2期(2010 / 12 / 01)


86 - 99






Purpose: To examine the effects of video feedback strategies on achievement learning motivation and interaction for elementary school students during cooperative learning condition. The participants were 64 students, a purpose sampling from three elementary schools which are promoting Tee Ball in Tainan City. Methods: An experimental method with one way t-test design and Pearson relationship. Participants were random assigned into two treatments (Video feedback and teacher feedback). Results: The Video feedback obviously is higher achievement than that of the teacher feedback. In motivational factor, students working group in Video feedback significantly outscored than that of the teacher feedback conditions. Video feedback group promote the better learning motivation and behavior interaction. However, Video feedback group exists a less interpersonal feedback than Teacher feedback. The data from the regression analysis that Video feedback group perform the best satisfaction in the student's mental interaction. Conclusions: The Video feedback with cooperative learning strategies to promote the higher achievement and learning motivation were an effective model for sport pedagogy.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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