Follow the economic developing and international trading frequently and public media and advertisement transmit persistently, the consumer has few questions about articles for daily use buying and chain convenience store choosing among brand of retail sales selection and preferences, budget and commodities preference. In Taiwan, the concept of chain store management since 1956 had already gone through more than 50 years. The issues of marketing orientation and store image of consumer are interested issues and individual subjects in the marketing management of chain convenience store. Therefore, how to know ”consumer behavior” are the most important and the basic work in chain convenience store marketing sales activities. Therefore, according to consumers' spending behaviors and psychology, and combine with marketing mode of chain convenience store, so that to proceed the questionnaire interviews between the considering factors of consumers' shopping and the emphasis degree on the sense organs of the stores, and to understand the needs of consumers and the future directions of the industry. This study shows that consumer behavior in downtowns' chain convenience store. The point of view in consumer behavior to know the situation of expends in chain convenience store, and to understand about hobby issues of different customer groups during chain convenience store. This study realizes that the relationship between consumer shopping hobby and marketing mode with chain convenience store. Therefore these topics and results can deserve an enterprise more attention and further exploration.