


Review a Theoretical Model on the Benefits and Costs of Recreational Specialization: Example of Water Recreation Activities from Penghu




戴友榆(You-Yu Dai);王慶堂(James Ching-Tang Wang);陳宏斌(Hung-Bin Chen);李明儒(Ming-Ju Lee)


遊憩專門化 ; 成本 ; 效益 ; 結構方程模式 ; 澎湖 ; recreational specialization ; benefits ; costs ; structural equation modeling ; Penghu




6卷3期(2012 / 03 / 01)


41 - 67




本研究以澎湖地區水域遊憩活動遊客為例,套用並且檢驗Lee and Scott(2006)所提出的遊憩專門化成本效益模式。本模式指出當人們在遊憩行為、技巧與知識、行為承諾和個人承諾等概念達到專門化的程度,他們最終將會體驗到參與遊憩活動所帶來的持續性利益。本模式也指出遊憩專門化尚會影響領導角色、持續性利益、和自我決定三者之間的關係。自我決定被視為是人們透過行為承諾達到遊憩專門化的指標。本研究以便利抽樣法進行問卷抽樣,共計回收222份有效問卷。本研究架構獲得實證上的支持,而得到水域遊憩活動參與者的下列實證結果:1.遊憩專門化程度與其領導角色、自我決定、持續性利益皆有部分顯著正向影響的關係。2.領導角色與其自我決定、持續性利益皆有顯著正向影響的關係。3.自我決定與持續性利益有顯著正向影響的關係。綜上所述,研究結果對此模式有著部分的支持。本研究結果建議從事水域遊憩活動的遊客若增進遊憩專門化的程度,所導致的持續性利益是遠大於任何成本付出的。本研究希望藉由驗證此模型,提供給人們對於參與遊憩活動時所需面對之成本支出以及持續性利益獲得有更深入之瞭解。


This research used and tested a theoretical model on the benefits and costs of recreational specialization (Lee & Scott, 2006). The model proposed that as people specialize in terms of behavior, skill and knowledge, and commitment, they experience enduring benefits. The model also proposed that specialization entails taking on leadership roles that lead to benefits and the perception of diminished self-determination. Diminished self-determination was also thought to be a function of the behavioral commitment people acquire as they specialize. Finally, the model proposed diminished self-determination would undermine the acquisition of enduring benefits. We tested the model using data collected from a sample of American birdwatchers. Results provided partial support for the theoretical model. Our results suggest that as birders become increasingly specialized, the benefits they experience far outweigh any costs they might incur along the way.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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