


Relationship between Body Composition and Cardiopulmonary Endurance and Exercise Participation Behavior in University Students




張世沛(Shih-Pei Chang);陳培季(Pei-Chi Chen);李翠娥(Tsui-Er Lee);張意德(Yi-Te Chang)


身體質量指數 ; 運動習慣 ; 運動參與 ; 健康促進 ; Body mass index (BMI) ; exercise habits ; participation motivation ; health promotion




7卷3期(2013 / 03 / 01)


33 - 43




The purpose of this study was to study the relationship between body composition and cardiopulmonary endurance and exercise participation behavior in university students. This study included 386 university students from the Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology (157 male students with mean age of 20.8±1.6 years and 229 female students with mean age of 20.6±1.8 years). All of them were volunteered to complete questionnaires on exercise participation behavior and cardiopulmonary endurance (800/1600m run/walk) test. The results were using descriptive statistic, and all data were processed by SPSS for Windows 18.0, chi-square tests, and Pearson, with the level of significance set at α=.05. The results were as followed: (1) Three different BMI groups (overweight, normal, and underweight) were significant differences (p<.05) in sex and school team joined and no significant difference in exercise time, sport type, sports participation and cardiopulmonary endurance (p>.05). (2) Three BMI groups were significant differences in the satisfaction of learning outcomes in female students (p<.05). (3) The three different BMI groups have positive correlation between sport days, learning outcome and self-satisfaction. We concluded that the physical education class is the major way for Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology students to participate in exercise. The exercise skills and physical fitness improvement should be the most important learning objective. We suggested that physical education teachers should design more multiple and interesting curriculums to encourage students to participate in exercise regularly in their free time, in order to achieve the goal of health promotion.


The purpose of this study was to study the relationship between body composition and cardiopulmonary endurance and exercise participation behavior in university students. This study included 386 university students from the Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology (157 male students with mean age of 20.8±1.6 years and 229 female students with mean age of 20.6±1.8 years). All of them were volunteered to complete questionnaires on exercise participation behavior and cardiopulmonary endurance (800/1600m run/walk) test. The results were using descriptive statistic, and all data were processed by SPSS for Windows 18.0, chi-square tests, and Pearson, with the level of significance set at α=.05. The results were as followed: (1) Three different BMI groups (overweight, normal, and underweight) were significant differences (p<.05) in sex and school team joined and no significant difference in exercise time, sport type, sports participation and cardiopulmonary endurance (p>.05). (2) Three BMI groups were significant differences in the satisfaction of learning outcomes in female students (p<.05). (3) The three different BMI groups have positive correlation between sport days, learning outcome and self-satisfaction. We concluded that the physical education class is the major way for Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology students to participate in exercise. The exercise skills and physical fitness improvement should be the most important learning objective. We suggested that physical education teachers should design more multiple and interesting curriculums to encourage students to participate in exercise regularly in their free time, in order to achieve the goal of health promotion.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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