


The Construction Adventurous Outdoor Recreation Behavioral Model-Taiwan Example of River Tracing Club




鄭峰茂(Feng-Mao Cheng);許龍池(Lung-Chih Hsu)


風險認知 ; 遊憩阻礙 ; 遊憩態度 ; 遊憩動機 ; 遊憩行為 ; Perceived Risks ; Recreation Barriers ; Recreation Attitude ; Recreation Motive ; Recreation Behavior




8卷3期(2014 / 03 / 01)


24 - 44




本研究旨在建構冒險性戶外遊憩行為模式。採自編問卷進行研究,內容包括風險認知、遊憩阻礙、遊憩態度、遊憩動機、遊後行為、及旅遊特性與遊客基本資料等七大項。從2011年9月10-11日,共計兩日,針對參與全國溪仙大會(溯溪技術研習)同好為母體對象,進行立意抽樣問卷調查法。共計發放250份問卷,去除廢卷58份,實得有效問卷192份。回收資料以SPSS 17.0進行統計分析與檢定,探討溯溪參與同好之人口統計變數與特性等的分布情形,透過LISREL 8.70進行SEM實證研究,以最大概似估計法(Maximum Likelihood Estimation)進行估計變項間之因果關係。實證研究結果顯示,風險認知顯著的直接影響遊憩動機,顯著的間接影響遊憩行為,假設成立;遊憩阻礙顯著的直接影響遊憩動機,顯著的間接影響遊憩行為,假設不成立;遊憩態度顯著的直接影響遊憩動機,顯著的間接影響遊憩行為,假設成立;遊憩動機顯著直接影響參與行為,假設成立。顯示本模式可充分解釋參與冒險性戶外遊憩行為之前置因素與因果之關係。


This study assessed the Taiwan River tracing club using latent variables of Perceived Risks, Recreation Barriers, Recreation Attitude, Recreation Motive, and after-Recreation Behavior and elemental data of river tracing recreationists. Total of 250 questionnaires were administered from 58 respondents were invalid owing to being incomplete, leaving a total of 192 usable questionnaires. The descriptive statistics socio-demographic was analyzed by SPSS 17.0 for Windows. The structural equation model was analyzed using LISREL 8.70 for Windows. All of the parameters were estimated by maximum likelihood estimation method. Empirical results indicated that Perceived Risks significantly and directly affects the Recreation Motive and significantly indirectly affects the Recreation Behavior and set up; Recreation Barriers significantly and directly affects the Recreation Motive and significantly indirectly affects the Recreation Behavior and does set up; Recreation Attitude significantly and directly affects the Recreation Motive and significantly indirectly affects the Recreation Behavior and set up; Recreation Motive significantly and directly affected the Recreation Behavior and set up. The results show that this model can be fully explained to participate in Taiwan River Tracing club outdoor recreation behavior antecedents and causal relations.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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