


The study on students' participation in exercise, sleep and life quality in colleges




陳怡婷(Yi-Ting Chen)


運動參與 ; 睡眠總分 ; 匹茲堡睡眠品質量表 ; 健康生活品質 ; Sports participation ; total sleep ; Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index ; quality of life




11卷2期(2016 / 12 / 01)


1 - 18




本研究目的旨在探討大專院校學生運動參與行為、睡眠和生活品質的現況,並比較不同區域學校間的差異性。以1,230 位大專院校學生為研究對象,研究工具為運動參與行為、匹茲堡睡眠品質量表及生活品質量表,測驗所得數據以SPSS for windows 18.0套裝統計軟體處理,以描述統計、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t 檢定、單因子變異數與Scheffe多重比較分析,顯著水準定為α=.05。結果:一、學生參與運動性社團的比率為33.82%。二、學生最喜愛的運動項目為球類和有氧運動,以學校運動場館為首選,運動參與時間多為體育課時間。三、學生運動參與目的為提升個人健康、體適能與減重,未來希望能在運動技能、減重與提升體適能方法學習上。四、睡眠品質方面,在睡眠效率、睡眠時間及睡眠總分比較上有顯著差異(p<.05),睡眠品質不佳的比率為58.62%。五、在生活品質構面上以身體功能(PF)的得分最高(90.67 分),一般健康知識(GH)最低(60.71 分)。結論:大專院校學生在運動參與程度、睡眠品質和生活品質方面還有很大的改善空間;學生在運動參與後對個人的身型、自尊心和體適能的提升都給予很高的滿意度,顯示學生對於運動參與的效果是肯定的,對於學生希望學習的課程,在未來體育課程設計時應特別加以考量,以提高學生的學習動機與健康體適能的發展。


This study is to investigate the current situation of college students' participation in sports activities, sleep and quality of life, and to compare the differences between different colleges in different regions. The research object is 1,230 college students the research tools were sports participation behavior, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and Life Quality Questionnaire. The data were analyzed with SPSS for windows 18.0 package statistical software, To describe the statistics, chi-square test, and the statistical analysis. Independent sample T test, single factor variance and Scheffe multiple comparison analysis, the significant level of α = .05. Results: 1. The students participating in sports club was 33.82%. Second, the students favorite sport is the ball and aerobic exercise, Indoor and gymnasium is the first choice, sports participation most of in the physical education time. Third, the purpose of students participation in sports is to enhance personal health, physical fitness and weight loss, the future purpose is in sports skills, weight loss and enhance physical fitness learning. There were significant differences in sleep quality, sleep time and sleep total score (p <.05) and poor sleep quality (58.62%). The scores of physical function (PF) were the highest (90.67) and the general health knowledge (GH) were the lowest (60.71) in the aspect of quality of life. Conclusion: There is still need to improve students' participation in sports, quality of sleep and life. Students have high satisfaction with the improvement of body shape, self-esteem and fitness after exercise., Indicating that the effect of student participation in sports is positive, for students want to learn the curriculum, in the future should be considered in particular to improve student motivation and development of healthy physical fitness

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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