


The research of work stress, sport involvement and work performance




吳朝森(Chao- Sen, Wu);陳明宏(Ming-Hung Chen);盧廷峻(Ting-Chun Lu);陳盈吉(Ying-Chi Chen)


工作壓力 ; 運動涉入 ; 工作效能 ; Work stress ; Sport involvement ; Work performance




11卷2期(2016 / 12 / 01)


19 - 30




本研究探討對於有在參與運動休閒之上班族其工作壓力對工作產生的效能之影響,另在透過不同運動涉入程度下,對工作效能是否產生影響之研究。本研究利用問卷調查的方式,以有在參與運動休閒之上班族為研究對象,發放正式問卷600 份,收回549 份,扣除21 份無效問卷後,有效樣本共為528 份,回收使用率88.00%。。以結構方程模式(SEM)作為分析工具。研究結果發現:一、工作壓力會正向影響運動涉入程度;二、運動涉入程度會正向影響工作效能;三、工作壓力會負向影響工作效能。本研究認為工作壓力可以透過運動涉入程度對有參與運動休閒之上班族的工作效能有顯著提升之效果。


This research investigates the correlations and influence between work stress, sport involvement and work performance. First, work stress how to influence the sport involvement and work performance. Furthermore, the paper makes sure the causal relationship on variables of each dimension, for each variable it explore the operational definition and design an appropriate questionnaire to measure variables. This study utilizes questionnaires to make the research on the workers participating in sports, The questionnaires issue 600 copies; 549copies is returned; after deducting 21 invalid questionnaires, 528 responses are valid and returned rate is 88.00%. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was applied to examine the model of this study. The analytical results indicated that: (1) work stress had a significantly positive influence on work performance; (2) sport involvement had a significantly positive influence on work performance; (3) work stress had a significantly negative influence on c work performance. In conclusion, that work stress could have the degree of involvement by the movement to participate in sports and leisure of office workers work performance had significantly enhance the effect.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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