With eco-tourists as the subjects, this paper investigates eco-tourists' participating motivation for, identification with, and dependence on, eco-tourism by studying their characteristics. After sampling the eco-tourists at Dapeng Bay, a total of 342 valid questionnaires were collected, which meant a collection rate of about 85.5%. Correlation analysis was then used as the method of statistical analysis to examine the correlations among participating motivation, identification and dependence. With the help of a multivariate regression model, the effects of identification and dependence on participating motivation were also examined. The research findings include: the respondents' participating motivation, identification and dependence are significantly correlated. Identification and dependence, in particular, could predict participating motivation. In accordance with the empirical results, participating motivation and place attachment were also found to be mutually influential. If more attention could be paid to eco-tourists' participating motivation for future eco-tourism, the negative impacts of developing eco-tourism are expected to be reduced.
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