The main purpose of this study is as follows: to prepare a sports supportive environment scale with good reliability and validity for Taiwan residents. This study distributed network questionnaires, surveying the residents of Taoyuan City that have regular exercise habits of adults. The number of valid questionnaires was 644. In this study, five factors of the sports supportive environment scale were obtained by exploratory factor analysis, including accessibility, space, ancillary facilities, safety and aesthetics. The Cronbach's Alpha values were between .816 ~ .900, the overall Cronbach's Alpha value of .951, said the scale has a good reliability. And then passed 1. Convergenct validity test: the measurement variable in the study of the Standardized Regression Weights is between .515 ~ .935, and the composite reliability of the latent variable is between .819 ~ .909, are more than 0.6, and the average variance extracted is between .565 ~ .717, which is greater than .50, indicating that the sports supportive environment scale model has good convergence validity. 2. Discriminant validity test: The resulting confidence interval (covariance ± 2 times the standard error)formed by the covariance between the every two factors of the scale and the standard error does not contain 1, this scale has a good discriminant validity. 3. Structural model fitness analysis:get X^2=276.86, X^2/df=2.307, GFI=.955, AGFI=.936, RMSEA=.045, CFI=.975, PGFI value=.670 , The results show that the mode of good fit. This shows that the sports supportive environment scale is a good scale.
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