Social media are good tools for improving customer relationship. By creating a brand fan page on social media, enterprises are able to release brand-related posts (including videos, product messages, online customer service, and other relevant information) through brand fan page. Consumers can also become professional fans (followers) of these branch fan pages, as well as express their opinions by "leaving a message" or by "clicking Like." Fan page manages have to understand consumers' preferences and release posts that attract their interest. Therefore, this study mainly investigated the effect of post types of sports brands on advertisement communication effect and discuss how different types of post lead to differences in attitude towards advertisement, attitude towards brand, and behavioral attitude. Lastly, this study intended to use advertising hierarchy theory as the framework to verify the correlations among attitude towards advertisement, attitude towards brand, and behavioral intention. This study used experimental method and online questionnaire survey as research methods, and enrolled professional followers of sports brand fan page as the subjects. This study found that different types of posts did not have a significant effect on attitude towards advertisement, attitude towards brand, and behavioral intention. Attitude towards advertisement had a significant effect on attitude towards brand, and attitude towards brand also had a significant effect on behavioral intention. Lastly, this study proposed relevant practical suggestions according to the research findings.
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