


A study on relationship among music involvement, work stress and sleeping quality of elementary school teacher in Taichung City




張志銘(Chin-Ming Chang);林如芳(Ru-Fang Lin);吳慧芳(Hui-Fang Wu);施國森(Kuo-Sen Shih)


人際關係 ; 音樂涉入時間 ; 音樂涉入效益 ; Interpersonal relationships ; music involvement time ; music involvement benefits




14卷1期(2019 / 09 / 01)


85 - 103






The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of the involvement of teachers of elementary schools in Taichung City on the quality of sleep under the overall work pressure of teachers. The study focused on the public teachers of public elementary schools in Taichung City for the 106 academic year. A total of 500 questionnaires were sent out, 479 were returned, 451 were valid, and the effective questionnaire rate was 94.15%. After descriptive analysis, Pearson product correlation analysis, simple regression analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis, the statistical package software SPSS19.0 version has the following conclusions: The work pressure of the elementary school teachers is medium or above. When the overall work pressure of teachers is higher, the overall quality of their sleep is worse. In the stress of teachers' work, investing in this aspect of interpersonal relationships will increase the subjective sleep quality. When the work pressure of elementary school teachers is higher, the more music is needed to gain the benefits of music involvement, and then to relieve the pressure of work; when the teacher's overall sleep quality is worse or the sleep trouble is more, its music is involved. The higher the benefit, that is, the higher the involvement of teachers in music, the better the overall quality of sleep. When the overall work pressure of the elementary school teachers is high, the quality of sleep quality can be improved through the increase in the duration and frequency of involvement. The research findings can provide reference for elementary school teachers and educational institutions, and serve as a reference for future interested people.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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