


A research on relationship among cognition of air pollution, exercise behavior, and physical and mental health of citizens in Chushan township




張志銘(Chin-Ming Chang);李艶玲(Yen-Ling Li);黃孟立(Men-Li Huang);施國森(Kuo-Sen Shih)


自覺運動利益 ; 焦慮反應 ; 人際互動 ; Exercise benefit ; anxiety disorder ; interpersonal interaction




14卷2期(2019 / 12 / 01)


68 - 81






The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among perceived air pollution, exercise behaviors, physical-mental health. That is, our study explores whether exercise behaviors mediates the perceived air pollution- physical-mental health relationship. This research adopted purpose sampling in 2019. Data for this study were obtained by means of questionnaires from Zhushan Township residents. 510 questionnaires were sent out and the valid questionnaires were 456 by deleting incomplete or poor response questionnaires. We used descriptive analysis, reliability analysis and regression. The first findings showed that perceived air pollution influenced physical-mental health. Air pollution attitudes and behaviors and perceived air pollution were all positive drivers of physical discomfort, anxiety disorder, depression, interpersonal interaction, physical-mental health. Second, perceived air pollution influenced exercise behaviors. Perceived air pollution predicted perceived exercise benefit and exercise behaviors. Air pollution attitudes were related to self-efficacy, social support, perceived exercise benefit, and exercise behaviors. Air pollution behaviors were associated with social support, perceived exercise benefit, movement disorder, and exercise behaviors. Third, exercise behaviors influenced physical-mental health. Perceived exercise benefit was related to physical discomfort. Movement disorder was associated with physical discomfort, anxiety disorder, depression, interpersonal interaction, and physical-mental health. Exercise behaviors have an influence on anxiety disorder, interpersonal interaction, and physical-mental health. Fourth, exercise behaviors didn't mediate the perceived air pollution- physical-mental health relationship. Practical suggestions are also provided. The government should promote that the citizens pay attention to the importance of preventing the air pollution. Additionally, they should provide some programs that the citizens incline to involve exercise behaviors and remind that the citizens focus on their physical-mental health.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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