


The research on recreation participation, recreational bafflement and parent-child interrelationship of Hualien's primary school students parents




黃國光(Guo-Gang Huang);謝敏雅(Min-Ya Xie)


休閒活動 ; 休閒效益 ; 休閒教育 ; 親子教育 ; 親子關係 ; Leisure activities ; leisure benefits ; leisure education ; parent-child education ; parent-child relationship




14卷3期(2020 / 03 / 01)


1 - 16




本研究旨在探討花蓮地區之國小學童家長對於休閒參與、休閒阻礙與親子關係之影響為何。研究者以結構方程模式進行本研究之研究架構分析,探討其休閒參與、休閒阻礙對於親子關係之影響。研究採問卷調查法進行,透過結構方程模式分析樣本資料之信效度、配適度及各構面間的關係。本研究參考學者之問卷工具,並加以改編而成本研究之研究工具。預試採便利性抽樣,總計發放95份問卷,排除作答不完整之問卷後,共計回收86份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率為90.5%。預試所得之樣本經差異性檢定與關聯性檢定後,問卷各題項均有良好之信效度,各構面之Cronbach's α係數介於68~.76之間,顯示整體量表有良好之信度。正式問卷總計發放256份,回收有效問卷211份,有效問卷回收率為82.4%。研究者根據分析結果與研究結論提出三點建議,包括透過學校舉辦親子戶外活動、指派親子共同完成的作業,以及提供親子休閒互動資訊。


The paper focuses on what has been influenced by Parents' Recreation, parents' obstacles to leisure and Parent-child relationship of Hualien's primary school. The research would be analyzed by Amos, exploring what has been influenced by parents' obstacles to leisure and parent-child relationship. The paper would be taken by the Questionnaire, using Amos to analyze its relationship in it. The Questionnaire taken by scholars would be revised as a tool of the research. The pre commissioning will released 95 sheets of Convenience Sampling. The response rate was 90.5 % and 86 questionnaires are available. It shows that the ratio of Cronbach's α is from .68 to .76, totally shown it has good reliability to apply to normal Questionnaire. The official questionnaires are 256 sheets of Convenience Sampling and 211 questionnaires are available. The response rate is 82.4 %. The researcher use ways of Descriptive Statistics、Independent-Sample T Test、Analysis of Variance and Regression Analysis by SPSS 12.0. Then the result shows the sample of this study is female, 31-40 years old, commercial (including self-employed), high school qualifications, and an average monthly spending of less than NTD 5,000 for leisure. Recreation Participation and Recreational Bafflement really affect Parent-child relationship; obstacles to leisure affect prominently. The total explanation is up to 60% (the former) and 50%(the latter). There are three suggestions the researcher offers: First, we do hold an outdoor activity of Parent-child. Second, Let parents and children do the same assignment. Third, provide Parent-child leisure news for Interrelationship.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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