
遊戲化運動型App如何影響使用者沉浸程度-以「Zombie Run」及「香蕉打卡」兩款跑步App為例


Employ emotional gamified workout apps to engage users' immersion




張瑀晴(Yu-Cing Chang);王淑美(Shu-Mei Wang)


遊戲化運動型APP ; 沈浸理論 ; 自我決定論 ; 情緒理論 ; 遊戲可玩性 ; Gamified running app ; immersion theory ; self-determination theory ; emotion theory ; game playability




14卷4期(2020 / 06 / 01)


14 - 25




本研究欲了解具備不同運動動機者,在遊玩不同情境設定的「遊戲化運動型App」時的沈浸程度有何差異。過去研究發現,運動情境中的「正面(positive)可玩性」與「負面(negative)可玩性」會影響玩家的沉浸(immersion)程度。故本次研究挑選兩款「遊戲化跑步類App」作為研究媒介,其中「香蕉打卡」代表正面情緒設定,以「Zombies, Run」代表負面情緒,企圖了解玩家在遊玩這兩款正、負面情緒設定的App所產生的沈浸程度有何不同。本研究以實地實驗法進行問卷收集,共包含32位參與者,依照受試者填寫的前測問卷結果,分為「外在動機組」與「內在動機組」,並將受試者分配至「Zombies, Run」及「香蕉打卡」兩款App。此二款APP皆經由8位具備較高外在動機者及8位較高內在動機者遊玩,使用地點包含學校操場及室內健身房,跑步時間為25分鐘至30分鐘之間。研究結果顯示,32位受試者在使用兩款APP時都會達到沉浸狀態,不論是具有正面或是負面情緒的遊戲化運動型App都能夠引起玩家的沉浸感受,且使用者皆顯著地沉浸在兩款的App情境中。且無論是具有較高外在動機抑或是較高內在動機之受試者,均能夠顯著地沉浸於香蕉打卡及Zombies, run中。


This study tried to investigate how individuals with different motivations immerse in gamified workout apps. In previous researches, the positive and negative playability will result in users' different degrees of immersion. Therefore, the study selected two gamified running apps, including Banana Running as the positive representative and Zombies, Run as the negative representative. This article collected questionnaires with the field experiment from 32 attendees. According to the 32 experimental subjects' pre-test results, they were divided into two groups, including higher extrinsic motivation group and higher intrinsic motivation group. Subsequently, they were also distributed to use these two apps. The experiments were conducted at the college playground and gymnasium during 25 to 30 minutes testing time. The results revealed that all the 32 experimental subjects significantly immersed in both the two apps, whether the positive emotional app or the negative emotional app. In addition, the attendees with no matter higher extrinsic motivation or higher intrinsic motivation also significantly immersed in Banana Running and Zombies, Run.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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