This study tried to investigate how individuals with different motivations immerse in gamified workout apps. In previous researches, the positive and negative playability will result in users' different degrees of immersion. Therefore, the study selected two gamified running apps, including Banana Running as the positive representative and Zombies, Run as the negative representative. This article collected questionnaires with the field experiment from 32 attendees. According to the 32 experimental subjects' pre-test results, they were divided into two groups, including higher extrinsic motivation group and higher intrinsic motivation group. Subsequently, they were also distributed to use these two apps. The experiments were conducted at the college playground and gymnasium during 25 to 30 minutes testing time. The results revealed that all the 32 experimental subjects significantly immersed in both the two apps, whether the positive emotional app or the negative emotional app. In addition, the attendees with no matter higher extrinsic motivation or higher intrinsic motivation also significantly immersed in Banana Running and Zombies, Run.
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