This study aims to provide suggestions for fitness and sport industry in developing their facilities. To achieve this aim, this research explores whether current fitness and sport facilities make users satisfied and investigate people's demand for electronic fitness devices and related accessories. The questionnaire survey is conducted to collect and analyze the data. The purposes of the study include: (1) gaining knowledge of the prevalence level of electronic facilities in question, (2) exploring the preference of the fitness center members for electronic facilities, (3) investigating how the background variables influence the demand for electronic fitness facilities and accessories. The research method: The subjects of this research are the members of fitness centers in central Taiwan who exercise regularly more than one month. They were required to fill in the questionnaires, which consist of personal information and questions on whether they are satisfied with current fitness devices and their demand for future fitness devices. The expert validity of the questionnaire has been verified. There are 132 copies of questionnaire distributed and 121 valid copies were retrieved, making the retrieving rate at 91.6%. The software IBM SPSS Statistics 23.0 is adopted to conduct t-test and One way ANOVA , which are used to analyze the influence of background variables on the subjects' satisfaction with the existing fitness facilities and on the demand for electronic facilities in the future. Conclusions: (1) there is a notable positive correlation between subjects' willingness to purchase the fitness App and the higher satisfaction with the current fitness devices, (2) subjects who intend to purchase the fitness App have a higher demand for electronic facilities, (3) the group who are thinking of purchasing wearable devices have a higher demand for future electronization, (4) there is a notable positive correlation between the price of wearable devices and the future demand for facility electronization.
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