The outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in 2020 has an unmeasured impact on the global tourism industry. The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) estimated that international tourists decreased by 74% in 2020, and tens of millions of tourism-related jobs may disappear due to the impact of the pandemic, apparently, Taiwan's tourism industry cannot be out of this situation. Due to the border blockade restrictions, people cannot travel abroad and they turn to domestic tourism. However, crowded tourism pattern during the pandemic prevention period is obviously not appropriate as a way to relieve our physical and mental stress. Therefore, this study regards the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to reflect domestic tourism ecology, it discusses the tourism phenomenon under the pandemic from the view of systems thinking iceberg and proposed that tourist craze at popular attractions is repeated, people who have a taste of what is just in season strengthened tourism chaos, the inertial tourism consumption pattern has caused the deterioration of the tourism environment, and the fundamental change of tourism ecology depends on the transformation of personal mental models. Further, this study takes Shirding Community, Smangus Community and Taomi Eco-village as examples to discuss the future development of ecotourism from the wholeness-praxis viewpoint so as to provide reference for the development of domestic ecotourism.
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