


The study on consumers' purchase intention for massage chairs based on the theory of planned behavior combined with experiential marketing




張意德(Yi-Te Chang);吳姿儀(Zih-Yi Wu);張世沛(Shih-Pei Chang);張志銘(Chih-Ming Chang)


感官體驗 ; 情感體驗 ; 思考體驗 ; Sensory experience ; emotional experience ; thinking experience




15卷4期(2021 / 06 / 01)


27 - 40






This study aims to understand the behavior intention of consumers in purchasing massage chairs, and through the comprehension of the relationship between the theory of Planned Behavior and the experiential marketing, we can find out whether the experiential marketing strategy has an impact on consumers. The subjects of the test are those who intend to experience the massage chair, and consumers who have experienced but have not or have purchased one in Taichung city. The questionnaires are distributed among department stores, hypermarkets and stores of massage chairs. A total of 580 questionnaires are sent and recovered 562 valid questionnaires whose response rate is 96.9%. Based on the statistical analysis and Amos, the results are as follows: 1. Experiential Marketing can really increase consumers' behavior intentions. 2. Consumers' intention to buy the product will decline when the time slips by. Even if there are promotions in the future, their purchasing will remains still low. 3. The behavior attitudes and subjective norms of consumers have a direct and positive effect on behavior intentions, while perceived behavioral control does not have any significant influence on behavior intentions. 4. Experiential marketing has a significant impact on the theory of planned behavior. In addition to influence on behavior attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control, it can also directly and positively influence consumers' behavior intentions. The results of this study provide the references for follow-up investigators and managers to operate the experiential marketing strategy in the future.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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