可攜式高爾夫雷達訓練儀能探測數十項擊球的動態資料,以彌補教練或擊球者肉眼觀察不到的細節。目前各大賽事幾乎都選用T品牌的雷達偵測器,唯其售價約為2萬美元(560,000元台幣),一般球友實難受惠。近期,G品牌的雷達偵測器問世,其售價為18,990元台幣。鑑於近30倍的價差,本研究將針對兩個可攜式高爾夫雷達訓練儀中木桿擊球的6個即時監控數據進行成對樣本t檢定(Paired Sample t test)。研究結果顯示:木桿擊球桿頭速度顯著性為.596,考驗結果未達顯著水準;出球速度顯著性為.029,考驗結果達顯著水準;旋轉率顯著性為.075,考驗結果未達顯著水準;出球角度顯著性為.000,考驗結果達顯著水準;飛行距離顯著性為.000,考驗結果達顯著水準;總距離顯著性為.000,考驗結果達顯著水準。針對上述之發現,本研究爰提出下列建議,以供參考:6個即時監控數據中,木桿擊球桿頭速度與旋轉率等2項的結果較趨一致,足見較低階的可攜式高爾夫雷達訓練儀在收集每個使用者的球質與球路等特性上還是有一定的科學憑據,有助於球友訓練或選購球具之參考。
The portable golf radar training device can detect dozens of dynamic data of shots to make up for the details that the coach or the user can't observe with the naked eye. At present, almost all major competitions use T brand radar detectors, but the price is about 560,000 Taiwan dollars, which is hard for ordinary golfers to benefit. Recently, the radar detector of the G brand came out, and its price is 18,990 Taiwan dollars. In view of the nearly 30 times price difference, this study will conduct a Paired Sample t test on the 6 real-time monitoring data of driver shots in two portable golf radar training devices. The results of the study showed that: the significance of driver hitting club speed was .596, and the test result did not reach a significant level; the significance of the ball speed was .029, and the test result reached a significant level; the significance of the spin rate was .075, and the test result was not. Reached a significant level; the significance of the launch angle was .000, and the test result reached a significant level; the carry distance significance was .000, and the test result reached a significant level; the total distance significance was .000, and the test result reached a significant level. In response to the above findings, this research proposes the following suggestions for reference: Among the 6 real-time monitoring data, the results of the two items, namely the club speed and the spin rate, are more consistent, which shows that the lower-level portable The golf radar training device still has certain scientific evidence in collecting the characteristics of each user's swing trajectory, which is helpful for golfers' training or reference for purchasing golf equipment.
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Gung Ho Golf Simulator Solutions (2021, November 11). Garmin R10 ($599) vs TrackMan 4 ($25,000) - Outdoor Test with Driver, 7-iron, and PW. From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=794m5eavN9Q&ab_channel=GungHoGolfSimulatorSolutions
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