Purpose: To study the mediation effect of perceived sleep quality (PSQ) on night eating behaviors (NEB) and perceived stress (PS) in health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Methods: This study used a cross-study design, the time to survey was from January to April in the year 2019, using a CATI system to help us for telephone interviewing, there were demographic data, NEBs, PS, PSQ, and HRQoL designed in our question. The population was lived in Taiwan and they were aged from 18 to 65 years old, and using the phone book of Chunghwa Telecom Company, Ltd published in the year 2017 to be a sampling frame which included7,559,128 houses. Totally in this survey, we got 1,126 samples with validation by stratified random sampling. Results: The average score of physical and psychology was 48.62 (SD=7.22) and 53.97 (SD=7.19) in HRQoL, respectively. Moreover, in this study, we also got the average score of NEBs, PS, and PQS was 9.19(SD=3.26), 2.69 (SD=4.2), and 3.52(SD=2.29). We found a significant difference in HRQoL by different ages, with or without chronic diseases, and a different location (p < 0.05). How about the prediction of NEBs and PS, the result showed there existed a significant prediction on HRQoL. Regarding the mediation effect of PSQ, we found PSQ that didn’t have the mediation effect on HRQoL, but the PS had this mediation effect. Conclusion and suggestion: According to our result, half participates hadn't good HRQoL in the dimension of physiology, and 20% of participates were in the psychological dimension. For HRQoL, NEBs and PS both significantly affected HRQoL, and the PSQ was with the direct and indirect mediation effect on it. Finally, this study suggests people that who need to decrease the frequency of NEB, to release stress, to improve the quality of sleep, then the HRQL will be naturally upgraded.
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臺灣乳酸菌協會(2017)。20 至 50 歲世代腸胃健康調查。取自 http://www.talab.org.tw/