


A Study of Consuming Experience in Sports Theme Restaurants




陳盈儒(Ying-Ju Chen);熊婉君(Wan-Chun Hsiung);雷文谷(Wen-Guu Lei)


運動主題餐廳 ; 體驗行銷 ; 消費價值 ; sports theme restaurant ; experience marketing ; consumption value




4卷1期(2009 / 04 / 01)


68 - 90




體驗行銷之重點在為顧客創造出有價值的體驗,本研究目的即在探討運動主題餐廳體驗行銷之體驗媒介與顧客消費價值感受之關係,並以便利取樣方式對國內運動主題餐廳顧客進行調查。由於國內運動餐廳尚在發展階段,故消費客群有限,僅回收有效問卷147份。本研究之體驗媒介分為產品包裝設計、實體環境設計及服務人員表現;消費價值則分成功能性、情感性、社會性及嘗新性價值。研究發現如下:一、運動主題餐廳顧客多為18到35歲;職業以學生最多,教育程度集中在專科或大學;平均月所得大多為10, 000元以下以及30, 001-50, 000元。二、不同運動行為(消費經驗、用餐同伴、資訊來源及運動習慣)顧客在運動主題餐廳體驗媒介及顧客消費價值上有顯著差異。三、整體而言,顧客在運動主題餐廳之體驗媒介與消費價值之感受呈顯著正相關。經由研究結果,建議國內運動餐廳之業者在餐具或店內擺設可選擇與運動相關的產品來進行設計規劃,以增進消費者對店內運動氣氛之體驗;在服務人員方面需強調運動餐廳特有之活力及熱忱,以營造出運動主題餐廳能提供給顧客獨有的體驗與感受。


The purpose of this study was aimed to explore the relationships between the experience and consumption value at the sports theme restaurants in Taiwan. Consumers who consuming at the sports theme restaurants were asked to fill out the questionnaires. Convenient sampling method was used and 147 valid questionnaires were collected. After the factor analysis, the research variables of exports were divided into three factors: product presence, spatial environment, and people whereas consumption value consisted of functional value, social value, emotional value and epistemic value. Results from the statistical analysis were showed: 1.The customers at the sports theme restaurants are in age ranging from 18-35 years old; mainly were students with a college degree, and average monthly income are under NT$10,000 and between NT$30,000-50,000. 2. The experience and consumption value at the sports theme restaurants were presented as significantly different based on different customers' behaviors. 3. Overall, sports theme restaurants' Expros positively significantly correlated with the consumption value. Based on the findings, it is suggested that sports theme restaurants' tableware and spatial design should be sport-related in improving the consumers' positive sports connection with the sport themed restaurant. Nonetheless, personnel in the restaurant must equipped with energy and enthusiasm to build up the spirit of the sports theme restaurants' in arousing consumers' distinguishing experience.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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