


Female Backpackers Demonstrated the self-growth in Travel Experience: Feminist Perspective Inquiry




許瑞嫚(Jui-Man Hsu)


女性背包客 ; 旅行經驗 ; 自我成長 ; 女性主義 ; Female backpacker ; Travel experience ; Self growth ; Feminist




5卷1&2期(2010 / 12 / 01)


1 - 12






Travel has been considered to examine self identity; autonomy and independence of practical experience in a way, particularly the backpacking. Moreover, the backpackings provide people with a chance to access themselves, reveal themselves, and change themselves. In a traditional society, female are limited by some social control, still less of backpacking. Female Backpackers attempt to resist or subvert the male domination of the definition tourism and gender awareness form by backpacking. They want to establish their own subjectivity, and reinforce the identification of ”myself”. Can female be empowered through backpacking? And how does the female backpacker demonstrates vitality and self-growth in traveling experience? The common concern of feminist research is the lives of women, and their subjective experience feelings reflected by the difference between the social cultural issues. The female backpackers' tourism experiences to be their gender identity and rewrite the premise of autonomy. Researcher hopes that through feminist theories and viewpoints to explore the vitality and self-growth of female backpacking in their traveling.. Therefore, this study collected and analyzed female backpacker's relevant research literatures and feminist research methods. Finally, researcher summarized the meaning of self-growth of women in the backpack travel, and reflected feminist researchers in the study of methodology and practical experience.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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