


The Relationships among Service Quality, Value, Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention: A Case Study of the British Consulate at Takao




蔡雨勲(Yu-Shiun Tsai);李明聰(Ming-Tsung Lee);劉修祥(Hsiou-Hsiang Liu)


餐廳 ; 結構方程式 ; Restaurants ; SEM




5卷1&2期(2010 / 12 / 01)


54 - 69






With the slow food, slow living, the rise of the LOHAS (lifestyles of health and sustainability), people choose to holiday in the price for the restaurant is no longer the main considerations, based on literature review to explore the service quality, value, satisfaction and behavioral intention to the impact of the British Consulate at Takao. This study was designed to explore the restaurant's customer service quality, value, satisfaction and the relationship between behavioral intentions. Study in the British Consulate at Takao meal of customers, to facilitate the mining of non-random sample of a total of 271 effective samples. The results showed that service quality is the most important determinants of restaurant service quality and value of customers have a significant impact on behavioral intention, and the value of indirect impact on quality of service. The study found the final in accordance with recommendations and to provide consular official residence of the British seizing and restaurant management industry reference.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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