Tourism Bureau of Taiwan established Mao-lin National Scenic Area in October 2001, and at around the same time proposed "The Program of Legalizing the Hot Spring Hotels and Home-stays in the Bora and Bulao Hot Spring Regions of the Mao-lin National Scenic Area," which would be approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications later, and the proposal aimed at helping hot spring business owners complete the legalization process in a time span of three years and six months. On February 24th, 2003, the Maolin National Scenic Area Administration was ordered by the Executive Yuan to help legalize all the pre-existing hot spring hotels and home-stays. Years later, the process of legalization was greatly impacted due to the fact that Typhoon Morakot damaged Bora area badly, so the related authorities prolonged the deadline of legalization to June, 2012; however, before the deadly arrived, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications again prolonged the final deadline to the end of August, 2014, after the petitioning of the business owners. Until now, there are fourteen hot spring businesses in Bora and Bulao areas whose legalization processes are yet to be completed; although they have passed the related examination of environmental protection and soil conservation, the land use zoning still cannot be changed accordingly. In order to explore the related problems of the above-mentioned legalization process, this study employs the method of in-depth interview. This study also focuses on the hot spring businesses which have a very long history, in this way trying to examine the present development of the Bora and Bulao areas, the difficulties encountered by the businesses, and also many of the legal restriction problems. After analyzing the interviews, this study has been able to conclude that the local authority (that is, the Bureau of Tourism of the Kaohsiung Municipal Government) is extremely crucial in the process of legalization, because whether the process can be completed in fact is determined by how well the bureau can communicate with related units and also how well the related personnel understand the legalization project. Another crucial factor in this process is the land use policy of National Property Administration, Ministry of Finance. The study also tries to propose some suggestions for hot spring business owners, government officials, and related scholars to consider.
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