


The Study of Evaluation Indicators For Taiwan Host




龔熒慧(Ying-Huei Kung);李一民(Yi-Min Li);錢姿宇(Chih-Yu Chien)


好客民宿 ; 評鑑指標 ; 分析層級程序法 ; Taiwan Host ; Evaluation Indicators ; Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)




7卷1期(2015 / 05 / 01)


48 - 73




台灣經濟快速的發展,民眾對於休閒品質非常重視,因此在外出旅遊選擇的住宿需要有安全的品質把關。而民宿在近年來受到大眾喜愛,但由於規範民宿的評鑑指標推出時間較短,因此有尚有改善的空間。因此本研究針對好客民宿評鑑指標做權重分配,瞭解各個指標分配的重要性。分別由「實體環境」及「服務品質」等項目分別加以探討,並列出27項評鑑指標。本研究使用問卷調查法,對象以具有民宿領域專長的專家學者、好客民宿評鑑委員、民宿業者對於評鑑指標的重要性評估,共獲得有效樣本7 份,並統整分析出各專家好客民宿評鑑指標再透過分析層級程序法(AHP)計算出各指標的權重,分析結果如下:(一)在第一層的各因素中以民宿之「服務品質」最受重視;在第二層的因素中以「接待服務」、「安全衛生」兩項因素為指標中最重要的指標;在第三層因素中則以「服務態度良好」、「資訊公開」、「提供旅遊資訊」和「服裝儀容整潔」四項準則最為重要。(二)在層級二中「資訊服務」為最不受重視的構面,但資訊服務中「提供旅遊資訊」和「資訊公開」兩項準則佔很高的重視度,代表資訊對於民宿有想當的重性,仍值得重視。根據研究結果提供建議,作為好客民宿評鑑進行時之參考依據,進一步提昇好客民宿評鑑之標準。


Taiwan's rapid economic development, people attach great importance to the quality of leisure, so the travel choice of accommodation in the need for security of quality checks. The B & B in space in recent years, loved by the public, but because of the introduction of standardized evaluation indicators B & B time is short, so there is room for improvement. Therefore, this study did weight distribution for the Taiwan Host evaluation indicators, understand the importance of each indicator assigned. From "physical environment" and "quality of service" and other projects to explore each separately, and lists 27 evaluation indicator. In this study, questionnaire, Objects of experts and scholars in the field have the expertise and B & B, evaluation committee Taiwan host, guesthouse owners. Effective samples total of 7. This paper uses the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to calculate and statistic the ratio of every indicator. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) The service quality of Taiwan Host facility weigh more in the first level indicator. Reception and service and Safety and health are relative important in the second level indicator. A good service attitude, freedom of information, Provision of travel information and Tidy clothing appearance important in the third level indicator. (2) The Information Services is unimportant in the second level indicator. However, the freedom of information and provision of travel information take an essential part in information services. This indicates that information for B & B is worth to put more focus.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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