With the vigorous development of tourism, it has been listed in six national burgeoning industries. As a result, the concept of sustainable tourism is also valued by each local government. Under this situation, the policy of Taiwanese territory has also experienced a great revolution, which is the emergence of new five municipalities in 2011 through the combination of the cities and counties. Town or township is the basic autonomous unit belonging to the county government. While the town or township has been translated into district, the form of tourism governance will be different completely. The subject of debate involved with the distribution of the resources, authority regulation or the community network has been emerged. This study takes Shenkeng Old Street as an example to understand the public tourism policies tough the analysis of tourism governance references and theories. The method of deep interview will be adopted to generalize local opinions. And different groups of stakeholders will be investigated to understand their perception. Finally, the local theory of tourism governance will be brought up to provide the governments to adjust their tourism policies. The result reveals that with the abundant resources from the New Taipei City, the number of the tourists increases dramatically, and really benefits local economy. But the empty for local power and resources also enlarges the gap between the local expectation and the public policy which leads the reconstruction of local political economy.
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