


The Study of Entering Underworld on Hong Mai's Yi Jian Zhi-criterion and the Meaning of Judgment in the Law of Underworld




盧秀滿(Hsiu-Man Lu)


洪邁 ; 夷堅志 ; 入冥 ; 宋代 ; 死後世界觀 ; 冥法 ; 判決 ; Hong Mai ; Yi Jian Zhi ; the entering underworld ; Song Dynasty ; point of view for the underworld ; the law of underworld ; judgment




6期(2009 / 03 / 01)


115 - 137




本文以〈洪邁《夷堅志》之入冥故事研究-以冥法判決之準則及其意義為探討中心-〉為題,藉由南宋時期洪邁之巨著《夷堅志》所記載之入冥故事的整理與分析,來探究宋人死後世界觀的某一側面。 首先,分析《夷堅志》所記載之冥府審判的官僚組織,探討其在宋代的發展與演進,釐清宋人對冥府官僚體系的建構情況及對陰間冥府的一般認知。 其次,以《夷堅志》所記載之冥法的審判內容,來考察作者筆下之宋人在冥法判決上的準則及其關注所在。 最後指出,在《夷堅志》的入冥故事中,洪邁加入冥法對「墮胎」行為、「聽決不直」、「性太刻」等有關的懲罰故事,由其審判結果,可以顯示冥法判決在宋代的新開展及其意義。


This article focuses on the issue of the underworld study based on Hong Mai's Yi Jian Zhi. It investgates the criterion and the meaning of the judgment in the law of underworld, according to the collation and analysis of the underworld, by Hong Mai in the period of Southern Song. It probes a different view of the underworld for people in the Song Dynasty. At first, I will analyze the bureaucratic organization of the judgment in the underworld, which is recorded in Yi Jian Zhi, and discuss the development and the evolvement of the underworld’s bureaucratic organization in the Song Dynasty, In the section, Song Bureaucracy was revealed and people's general cognition to the underworld was demonstrated. Second, based on the content of judgment in the law of underworld, which recorded on the Yi Jian Zhi, the criterion and the attentiveness to the judgment in the law of underworld will be surveyed. As a result, we propose to highlight new start and meaning of the judgment in the law of underworld in the Song Dynasty by showing different stories from the past, such as Hong Mai who put the judgment about the behavior of abortion, the unfair judgment, and the draconian character in the entering underworld story of Yi Jian Zhi.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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