The four chapters in 『GuanZih (管子)』absorbed the Taoist's thinking that had been in the fashion in Chi (齊國). It illustrated the Fajia's thinking with the theory of the Taoist and discovered Metaphysic's basis for law and order. Besides, influenced by the thinking of the Confucianism and the Mohist in ChiLu area in Chi's neighborhood, it also demonstrated the necessity of the unity of rites and law. It promoted 「inaction-let things to take its own course」 to be an administration measure and digested the thinking of the Confusianists, the Taoist and the Fajai, in a deeper and wider level. It stressed a sacred monarch should execute the law in accordance with principles, and thought individual's accomplishments in his body and mind should be valued. The idea followed the idea of 「one's moral character can reflect his real morality」by『LaoZi's (老子)』. And cultivation of one's moral character was also closely related to the principle of 「keeping the doctrine and carrying out the morality」 in politics behavior, showing a 「very close relationship in-between the doctrine and the morality」. This, in fact, was a big change to the initial LaoZih, ZhuangZih and Taoist thinking and also an expansion of the JiSia's Huang-Lao Theory in earlier stage in the thinking contents.