


The Development of the Book of Odes Vernacular Chinese Annotation in the Beginning of ROC: The Influence of Doubt History Thought Constructing the Literature Character




朱孟庭(Meng-Ting Chu)


民初 ; 詩經 ; 白話註譯 ; 疑古思潮 ; 建構文學性質 ; the beginning of ROC ; the Book of Odes ; vernacular chinese annotation ; The doubt history thought ; constructing the literature character




10期(2011 / 09 / 01)


27 - 65






The doubt history thought in the beginning of ROC has deconstructed the classic position of the Book of Odes, and has constructed the literature character of the Book of Odes. Both of factors have important influence on development of the Book of Odes vernacular Chinese annotation. The author has finished the former study. This study continues to discuss what views construct the Book of Odes literature character in the doubt history thought and further influences the development of the Book of Odes vernacular Chinese annotation. The study also comments and analyses the Book of Odes vernacular Chinese annotation influence about changing, process, and expression. The scholar of doubt history advocates that using a multi-cultural perspective to admire the art of poems. They regard the Book of Odes as songs, and realize the meaning by speaking in the poet's point of view. Thus, constructing the Book of Odes literature character through the contents, admiration, and study methods of the Book of Odes results in the changing of vernacular Chinese annotation contents, literary form, and ways. Though the above-mentioned is not accurate or complete in vernacular Chinese annotation theory and practice, it also has a certain degree of demonstrate effect in the future vernacular Chinese annotation. And the achievement also has its value and devotion.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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