With regard to research in Luo Jinxi's thoughts, most current studies emphasize discussions of theory of mind nature. Based on the interpretative strategy of ”Qi - Body,” this essay brings to light the ”philosophy of mind” through the discussion of Luo's core thought of qi theory, ”Yi Yang Zhi Qi” (Energy Flow of One Yang), and the discourse of four issues on his body philosophy from this perspective. Luo's ”Yi Yang Zhi Qi” lies in the profoundly deep consciousness of ”Muladhara Chakra,” and his ”Yi Yang Zhi Qi” can circulate to the extremities only thorough the self-cultivation of body that it recovers to the state of naive temperament in the past and extendable rule of principle of heaven. Meanwhile, ”sudden rush for self movement and self rousing” of ”Qi - Body” not only can make benevolent mind open itself to be affected by invigoration that indicates the message of important principle of heaven life in the cosmos, but also can harmonize with poem, music, and dance to reach the state of self-forgetfulness of profoundly deep consciousness. Man being always in such state can flow together with the everlasting qi of universe to lead a life in a state of cultivation and live long, and the physical discomfort caused by conscious persistence can further be fully healed. Luo's concept of ”Qi - Body” is nothing but the ultimate goal of Confucianism, settlement of life, and realization of the truth of cosmos of principle of heaven in the state of settlement of life.