


The Inheritance and Innovation from Tradition in Shih Hu's Reinterpretation of the Book of Odes-On the Reinterpretation of Jue Nan




朱孟庭(Meng-Ting Chu)


胡適 ; 詩經 ; 周南新解 ; 民族主義 ; Shih Hu ; the Book of Odes ; Reinterpretation of Jue Nan ; Nationalism




11期(2012 / 03 / 01)


235 - 272






Shih Hu and others, motivated by the Chinese nationalism, reinterpreted the Book of Odes during the ”May 4th Movement.” The aim was to create a modern meaning for the traditional literature. The reinterpretation inevitably contains acute, and even fallacious, arguments against the tradition, and hence is unjustly underrated by most critics of the later generations.”Reinterpretation of Jue Nan” is a masterpiece of Hu about the Book of Odes. This article first analyzes the ideology of Hu in terms of the reinterpretation effort. It then applies the methods of induction, analysis, and statistics to explore the elements of notations and commentary within the ”Reinterpretation of Jue Nan” respectively. The results show that in Hu's article, about seventy percent of the notations, and fifty-five percent of the commentary are in congruence with the original content of the Book of Odes. Moreover, only ten percent of the notations and fifty-five percent of the commentary are somewhat questionable. In other words, it is evident that Hu's reinterpretations are not all mistaken as claimed by some reviewers. Moreover, his work is not totally against the tradition, which is somewhat different from what Hu claimed to achieve. The gap between the ideology and practice of Hu may just be one of the reasons why he did not finish the reinterpretation of the Book of Odes.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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