


Feature Recapitulations of Dong Po I-Ching Biography




鄧秀梅(Hsiu-Mei Teng)


東坡易傳 ; 蘇軾 ; 卦合爻別 ; 剛柔交感 ; 和而不同 ; Dong Po I-Ching Biography ; Su Shih ; Unity of divinatory symbols and Division of lines ; Alteration of emotions between strength and weakness ; Like-minded but varied




12期(2012 / 09 / 01)


1 - 20






Although Su Shih (surname as Tzu Chan, dubbed as Dong Po Jiu Shih, A.D1037~1101) is famous for his expertise on classical Chinese poetry in both past and present history, he is rather good at the study on the principles of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and his work of Dong Po I-Ching Biography definitely stands out in the chronicles of I-Ching Study. Some of his viewpoints are actually just right to the points on the principles of I-Ching, even for people such as Yang Wan Li and Cheng Yi Chuan, while comparing to him, it is seen as slightly inadequate. By summing up the book, its features are mainly to presume as well as to illustrate logics, with invention on the meaning of comparable attack between love and hate, as well as comparable emotions between affection and cynicism; not only seldom there is anything to relate with the cons of xiang shu (image and number), but there is no stubbornness on the forming process of three lines as ”beginning, growth, and reasoning” in the diagram of divinatory symbols, in fact, oftentimes there are amazing ideas and thoughts that are out of ordinary. Next, the thoughts of I-Ching principles from the book are obviously tilted to the ideas of Taoism, and for Taoists, their opinions on the ”nature of virtue” are actually to see weakness with tenderness as superior over strength with endurance, the spirit of which is presented everywhere in the book; besides this, by looking at some of the explanations made on the languages of lines from divinatory symbols, Dong Po I-Ching Biography is good at delivering the real meanings of ”perfection and divinity”, and for this, it indeed does a better job than the work of I-Ching Biology written by Confucianists. In this way, based upon such viewpoint, this is where the paper makes its exploration into the thoughts of I-Ching principles in Dong Po I-Ching Biography.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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