The novels written by Su are constantly searching a relief for current status of the role of being a female; meanwhile looking for the exit for the unequaled world. In the book of The Magical Moment, chapter by chapter, she conveys the struggle in the self identification of women. In particular, in The Episode Above, she focuses on the interior of characters and emphasizes the life experience unaware. Audiences are often confused among the reality and fiction in a movie. Therefore, the writing in The Episode Above follows the structure of how movies transform reality into a fiction: the story teller and the main character in the novel (Bao-Sheng) applies the lines from movies to express the idea that life itself is not so different from fiction; and neither is more of a reality than other. The made-up stories that Bao-Sheng encountered in movies became the support of her life. The madness toward fictions drives her to feel realness through the process of continuous imagination. Throughout her life, Bao-Sheng failed to distinct real life from fictitious stories in movies. This situation is caused by her mother, who led her into the dimension of fictitious movies under the expectation that her emotion can have a mainstay. Tragically, the stories in movies turned out to be unhelpful to daily life. What is the theme of this novel? In my opinion, it reveals the difficulty to modern female in the attempt of striking a balance between our own imagination and the reality. As for the relationship between imagination and reality mentioned again and again throughout this novel, our strategy is to interpret them according to the theory of ”the mirror stage” proposed by famous French Psychologist Jacques Lacan.