


The Study of Liu Shi-Pei's Comparison between the Mao Poetry and Xun Zi


吳聲佑(Sheng-Yu Wu)


劉師培 ; 毛詩 ; 荀子 ; 荀學 ; 國粹學報 ; Liu Shi-Pei ; Mao Poetry (Maoshi) ; Xun Zi ; The Theory of Xun Zi ; Guo-Cui Journal




14期(2013 / 09 / 01)


141 - 162






The purpose of this paper is to discuss the statement from Liu Shih-Pei's ”qún jīng dà yì xiāng tōng lùn.” Mr. Liu has written the publication and manuscript of the book. It means the same title with two different books, which easily causes misunderstanding. Meanwhile, the author examines two dimensions, including the meaning of ”similarity” and the ”kǎo” ”lùn” ”yì” of the book's content. Next, the author makes further conjectures that the eight articles in publication ought to be similar to ”huì tong” in manuscript. Therefore, the manuscript should be released earlier than the publication. Moreover, while studying the ”kǎo” ”lùn” ”yì”, the author also makes two observations: the meaning of ”interlinked” ought to be defined as ”inter and communicate”, publication should be titled as ”qún jīng dà yì xiāng tōng kǎo”. In this way, it perfectly solves the confusion caused by the same title with two different books.In addition to the above, the author examines Liu Shih-Pei's background and motive to write ”The Study of Comparison between the Mao Poetry and Xun Zi” and finds out that Liu intends to distinguish himself and his composition with the fame of his uncle, Liu Shou Ceng (Gong Fu).Finally, the author reviews Mr. Liu's remarks and analyzes the contradiction as well as comment of his view. It is concluded as follows: first, three of his statements conflict one another; second, it disobeys the truth that Mr. Liu asserts the meaning of ”XunZi” and ”Mao Shi” are similar. The author proves this viewpoint from three aspects.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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