


The Failure of the Historical Project of Decolonization: The Dilemma of Writing/Reading Hong Kong Literature of the 1990's


陳潔儀(Kit-Yee Chan);余非(Fei Yu)


1990年代香港文學 ; 急速經典化 ; 文學史建構 ; 《狂城亂馬》 ; 《紅格子酒鋪》 ; Hong Kong literature in the 1990's ; rapid canonization ; constructing literary history ; "A Crazy Horse in a Mad City" ; "Red Checkers Pub"




14期(2013 / 09 / 01)


53 - 80






This paper has three arguments. First, during the last throes of British colonial rule in the 1990's, the Hong Kong literary scene witnessed a rather unusual phenomenon of ”rapid canonization,” resulting in the instant recognition of certain fictional works that deal with major historical events such as the 1997 handover as ”masterpieces.” Fifteen years after the return of Hong Kong to China, it is time to reassess this particular phenomenon. Second, the two novels that were instantly ”canonized” by literary awards-”A Crazy Horse in a Mad City” by Xin Yuan and ”Red Checkers Pub” by Xin Qi Shi-consciously and/or unconsciously, fail to critique the colonial mentality by treating Hong Kong and Chinese history in a simplistic, reductive, and one-dimensional manner, frequently side-stepping and sentimentalizing crucial historical issues. Third, with the instant ”canonization” of their works and the blessing of professional reviewers, the general reading public was very much shut off from the process of assessment and evaluation. This paper would like to call attention to this situation, which is ultimately also significant issue of constructing literary history.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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