


Exploring the Import of Lao-zi's Words "30 Spokes Come Together at the Hub of a Wheel, the Function of a Wheeled Vehicle is in the Invisible Part" Through the Evidence of the Archeological Material


陳紹慈(Shao-Tzu Chen)


《老子》 ; 輻 ; 轂 ; 輿 ; 〈考工記〉 ; 先秦車制 ; 有 ; 無 ; Laozi ; spoke ; the hub of a wheel ; carriage seat ; Kao-gong-ji ; document ; archaeological material ; Pre-Qin vehicle ; the structure of Pre-Qin vehicles ; to have ; space




15期(2014 / 03 / 01)


105 - 129






What is the "invisible part" which produces the "function of a wheeled vehicle" mentioned in Laozi's words "30 spokes come together at the hub of a wheel; the function of the vehicle is in the invisible part " which, so far, is interpreted as four different readings: the space in the hub of the wheel, the space of the seat, both the space in the hub and the seat, or not specified. As to the number of the spokes, there are two interpretations: based on the number of days in a month; based on the concept of six types of energy generated by five major organs of human body. The sources of these interpretations are (1) sentence structure (2) the ancient document "Kao-gong-ji". This article analyzes the two sentence structures suggested by many scholars and discovered that there is no real difference between the two in terms of the conveyed meaning. Both structures use "the visible part" to indicate the value of "the invisible part". The function of a wheeled vehicle and its realization by which "invisible part" is still the question to be answered. As to the document review method applied by scholars in examining the structure of Chinese ancient wheeled vehicles, "Kao-gong-ji" is used to account for "Lao-zi' and, vis-à-vis, "Lao-zi" for "Kao-gong-ji". This article thus, based on the results of archaeological researches, looks into the number of spokes on pre-Qin vehicles and the reason for it; also whether the "space in the hub" is essential for vehicles to be able to function. Additionally this article confirmed that the seats and wheels were the two major components of Chinese ancient form of transports. The variation of or number of spokes was based on practical considerations. This article therefore learnt that, the reasons for Lao-zi to use "30 spokes come together at the wheel hub" to convey the concept of "have" are as follows: they are major parts of a vehicle; the amount of work to produce them; and the level of attention from viewers.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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