The poetry in Tang Dynasty is especially focused on harmonious rhyming. "Tu Fu"(杜甫) always stressed on elaboration and decoration when he composed poetry. Especially his Chi yian lu shui(七言律詩) in his old age which had musical beauty. His chi lu diao sheng(七律調聲) method in writing poems is very skillful and effective. He used four methods fu sheng chie shiang(浮聲切響), shuang tza yi diao(雙仄異調), ju sheng fu die(入聲複疊), and ao chiu diao sheng(拗救調聲)alternatively and could attain his expected target goal. Some other contemporary poets in his time also adopted these methods, yet only Tu Fu perfectly and deliberately used these poetic meter and made his poems musical, that is to say, very pleasing to the ears. Observing the whole euphonious structure, we find that his skills is flexible, sophisticated, and perfect, and has the musical aesthetics.