Composed by a little-known writer Jiang Zhi, "Ting Shan Fu" presents a poor language and rough rhetoric skills. However, such work was full-text cited in "Luoyang Qielan Ji" by Yang Xuanzhi, who achieved high literary performance. This paradoxical phenomenon has triggered considerable assumptions among scholars in recent years and elicited the motivation of this study in discussing the old learning. This study explored Yang's motive for citing "Ting Shan Fu", which presents content contradictory to Yang's belief and value, and determined that such citation was a historian descriptive strategy of implying double meanings in a passage to ironize the officers who held power but breached legal principles and low-dignity people who were obedient to authorities. Considering the time when Yang composed "Luoyang Qielan Ji", the arrogant Gao Huan family who despises legal principles and Wei Shou who edited history by conforming to the emperor's order exactly met the characteristics of breaching legal principles and low dignity.