


Sacred and profane: the conception of religion under banter writing in "The Journey to the West"


王雪卿(Hsueh-Ching Wang)


《西遊記》 ; 宗教觀 ; 諧謔書寫 ; 佛道爭勝 ; "Journey to the West" ; the concept of religion ; banter writing ; contest in Buddhism




19期(2016 / 03 / 01)


105 - 126






The relationship of the narrative of the religious conception and the banter writing in "The Journey to the West" is complex and intriguing. Religion and game with sacred and profane, they are the integration of magical collision in the novel, complementary and innovative. The "sacred profaneness" is banter writing towards Taoism, including the sarcasm of the "diabolistic" image of the Taoist priest and the teasing of the god and goddess in heaven. For Buddhism, it is represented by the decrowning of the heroic image of Xuanzang. Several alchemist terms appear along with the teasing of Taoism. The heroic religious image of Xuanzang is distorted, while "Bhuddism is compassionate" has always been the theme of the novel. Different stories such as "the contest in Buddhism" and "suppression of Buddhism" have reflected the political, social and religious atmosphere in mid-Ming Dynasty. The author of the novel has proposed several time the concepts of "the same practice" and "three religions in one" which blurs the division of Buddhism and Taoism with or without intention. The religious concepts in "The Journey to the West" are complex and chaotic, which are common in folk beliefs and popular literature. However, the secularized religious view is very attractive as it is presented as a novel with religion as its theme and under the superb writing of the author in "The Journey to the West". This again challenges the interpretation ability of the readers. "The Journey to the West" is written in a teasing tone, under a game spirit and reversing and restructuring the view of religion. The gaming of religious spirit does not originate from a certain "coaching book" from a religious perspective and the "three religions in one" does not refer to any single one. All goes to the "decentralization" of the religious thinking. There are certainly some "misinterpretation" of the Buddhist and Taoist concepts which be done on purpose or not, yet the message conveyed by "The Journey to the West" is definitely "coming from games, said by words."

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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